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The Search Page
The Search Page is a directory or hot list of 200+ hyperlinks for people who want to search the Internet and World Wide Web (WWW) for something but don't know where to start.
You might want to set The Search Page as your browser home page.
Table of Contents
The descriptions for the services described below are paraphrased from their own Web pages.
Quite frankly the easiest way to find an e-mail address is to just call the person on the telephone and ask for it. No fiddling around with trying to search the Internet.
Please read the
Finding Addresses FAQ
before trying these links.
One way to find a business on the Internet is to enter the company name in the form http://www.companyname.com/, this sort of guess has worked for me in the past.
Another way to find a company is to enter http://www.stockname.com/ using the name from the Stock Exchange.
If you like figures check out Living Stone and SandiCast.
- AskA+ Locator
- you can get your questions answered on many subjects
- Exploratorium
- a fantastic museum of science, art, and human perception
- Homework Central
- K-12, college and beyond, 10,000 study subjects linked to 75,000 resources
- SciCentral
- 50,000 fascinating articles for teachers and students K-12 and higher
- The Tech
- museum of innovation, located in San Jose, California
- TrueType
- free TrueType fonts from Microsoft, plus links to 300 font sites
- Typographic
- illustrates the depth and import of type, and how typography is treated online
- GameCenter
- from c|net, a really good place to start
- GameGrabber
- PC and Mac games, game reviews, new cheats and tricks, win games
- Happy Puppy
- claims to be the #1 game site on the Internet
- 50 States
- all sorts of information about each state, links to 3000+ city home pages
- Anyday in History
- search by month and day to see what happened on that day
- AskMe.com
- answers to your questions from real people, for free
- EarthCam
- a searchable database of live cameras pointing to all kinds of places
- FAQ Finder
- links to 1800 lists of Frequently Asked Questions in 26 categories
- Information Please
- covers a huge range of subjects, simple to navigate
- Police Notebook
- 600 links, 130 articles on crime prevention, Internet safety, fire safety, first aid
- ScamBusters
- avoid getting ripped off by Internet scams, fraud, misinformation and hype
- Tons of Trivia
- hundreds of links to all sorts of trivia with a search engine
- Urban Legends
- find out which legends are based in fact and which are simply folklore
- FedWorld
- global access to government and business information
- GovBot
- search web pages from government sites across the USA
- Government Resources
- comprehensive state, federal and international links
- Hot Sheet
- easy access to the Web, organized collection of 700 sites
- The Info Service
- 62,000 links for 565 subjects, 200 new links every week
- Top 10 Links
- catalog of 900+ Top 10 web site lists
- Internet Exploring
- subject indexes and search tools, links to resources on netiquette
- Learn the Net
- history, safe surfing, netiquette; kids, Web publishing and multimedia
- WiredGuide
- clearly explains how to open e-mail, track downloaded files, and best use your browser
- Everything E-Mail
- links to e-mail related resources including discussion groups
- Forum One
- search over 260,000 web forum discussions
- Liszt
- over 90,000 listserv, listproc and majordomo mailing lists
- The Directory
- 10,000 listings of ISPs and 47,000 listings of BBSs in 120 countries
- The List
- ISP buyer's guide of 4,800 ISPs organized by area code, country and more
- Meta-List
- list of lists for ISPs, has a good tutorial on what to look for in an ISP
- Gamelan
- the official directory for Java, lots of applets and links
- Java Corner
- meta-site links to Java resources in table format with descriptions
- College Grad
- covers preparation, resume, job postings, interviews and negotiations
- JobHunt
- meta-list of on-line job searchers
- Monster.com
- 230,000+ jobs, you can personalize your page to track jobs
- 4 Kids
- for kids (and their parents) to find fun, educational, and safe spots to visit
- Amazing
- 700+ sites for children, their parents and teachers
- Ask Jeeves For Kids
- ask a question and it takes you to one and only one web site for the answer
- E-zines
- links to 4200+ E-zines, organized in 80 categories, updated monthly
- Low Bandwidth
- database of ezines, newsletters and journals
- Top 100
- links to the top 100 computer magazines
- Lyrics
- archive of 110,000+ lyrics searchable by artist, album and song
- MP3
- standardized format, removing duplicates and ranking for optimal relevance
- MetaGrid
- 4,000 newspapers and magazines sorted by country with a search engine
- News Central
- links to more than 3,500 newspapers
- Internet Radio Guide
- 1500 radio stations including Internet-based and conventional stations
- Sunset Radio
- live Internet broadcasts by hundreds of stations in 30+ countries
- World Radio Network
- live feeds and recent archived broadcasts in several languages
- Tucows
- 30,000 software titles for BeOS, Mac, PDAs and Windows 3.x/95/98/2000/NT
- Links
- list of anti-SPAM links from concentric network
- Deja
- 80,000 discussion forums and newsgroups indexed back to March 1995
- Internet FAQ Archive
- Usenet Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for 1,700 newsgroups, many search options
- Topica
- thousands of newsgroups and discussions
- QuickTime
- QuickTime 3D and VR news, links, files, tools and authoring primer
- VRML Repository
- VRML, Java, FAQs and tutorials, mailing lists and newsgroups
- Builder.com
- from c|net, the site for site builders, has most everything
- HTML Writers Guild
- fantastic references, validation, style guides, demos and test pages
- reallybig
- 3,000 resources for Web page developers of all skill levels
- Web Developer
- tutorials, white papers, book reviews and a question and answer section
- Web Development Resources
- everything from basic HTML pages to CGI programming
- Web Ring
- allows web sites with similar interests to form "rings" of sites
- Acronyms and Abbreviations
- 90,000 entries, technology, telecommunications and military
- Anagrams
- enter a word or phrase (like your name) and have it rearranged
- yourDictionary
- a portal specializing in language, dictionaries and thesauruses
Search for things yourself by using these search engines and other resources.
Here are a few of the biggest and best search engines. According to Search Engine Watch the Web had 800 million pages as of August 1999.
- Alta Vista
- 150 million Web pages and 4 million articles from Usenet news
- Fast Search
- 200 million Web pages, ultra quick searches, goal is to index "all the web"
- Google
- ranks the sites it finds taking into account how many other sites reference it
- HotBot
- 110 million Web pages, as well as Usenet news and mailing lists
- Northern Light
- search over 160 million Web pages
- Yahoo
- this very famous all-around index is still one of the best places
The following reviews should help you decide which search service is best for your task.
- Search the Web
- 80 search sites from the December 1, 1998 issue of PC Magazine
- SearchIQ
- reviews for all the search engines plus tools, tips, and tutorials
The following tutorials should help you learn how to best search on the Web.
A meta-searcher is a front end that passes your query to multiple search engines and then automatically collates and filters all the results.
- Alphasearch
- search in over 120 different search-engines, using a single form
- Debriefing
- accurate and fast advanced search syntax, English and French
- Dogpile
- search the Web, Usenet, FTP, stock quotes, news and weather
- Ixquick
- indexes fourteen search engines and directories, ranks by Top 10 results
- MetaCrawler
- multi-threaded searcher that takes your search and eliminates duplicates
- ProFusion
- can rerun your queries weekly or monthly and e-mail you changes
These sites list lots of search engines and meta-searchers. Use these lists when the search engines listed above are not up to your task.
- 1-Page MultiSearch
- single form for 18 meta-search engines and 14 major search engines
- All Search Engines
- lists major, meta, specialized engines/directories and URL submission sites
- Argos
- focus is limited to matters of ancient history, myth, and fable
- Beaucoup
- list 2,500+ search engines, organized into categories
- Eureka!
- contains 45 popular search engines with reviews, a great starting point
- Excite Searching
- from Excite, links to 60 search sites
- Langenberg Search
- lists of search engines in 25 categories, with keywords and direct links
- Search Engine Colossus
- country and region-specific search engines, also eleven general categories
- SearchPower
- list of 2000+ search engines, organized into 60+ categories
- WebScout
- lists 100 specialized search engines, also offers 22 specific newsletters
My definition of a search page is a site that provides links to many different types of information. I prefer an organized list with some explanatory text for each entry.
- Digital Librarian
- huge, a librarian's choice of the best of the web
- ExxNet
- 10,000+ links on 1,300+ subjects organized by topic, many helpful files
- Harrold's Search Links
- lists of search engines, adding URLs and how to search
- Internet Finder
- 50 categories from Art to Zip Codes
- Internet Searching
- great descriptions, has search engines, news, addresses, software and jobs
- Librarian Index
- very comprehensive and very well organized
- Needle in a CyberStack
- jam packed with educational links
- Search Beat
- 70 categories organized by theme
- Tecor Search Engine
- 16 major categories, links to over 30,000 Internet resources
- Windweaver
- search tools, reviews, links and even a course about searching
I wrote The Search Page because I was interested in learning a little bit about HTML. Since I had a bunch of search information on hand for my own use I decided to make The Search Page.
The Search Page is text based for speed. You can't search for something while waiting for the page to load.
Here are some local places that I like to visit.
You are visitor number
since we started counting on August 23, 1996.
Copyright © 1996-2003, J. Marcus Ziegler. Last updated October 14, 2003.
The Search Page - http://www.accesscom.com/~ziegler/search.html