Community F.M. Associates

The WB6KHP Repeater System

CFMA is not an organized club, but a loose-knit group of hams. Some belong to other ham clubs and some do not. We have no meetings or dues, no organizational structure and few rules. It is a "benevolent dictatorship."

The EAST SIDE TWO-TWENTY REPEATER is an open repeater located at 550 feet in the east foothills of San Jose. It receives on 222.54 MHz and transmits on 224.14 MHz. The repeater consists of an (a) RC-850 Repeater Controller from Advanced Computer Controls, (b) transmitter and (c) receiver from Spectrum Communications in Pennsylvania, (d) receiver pre-amplifier from Advanced Receiver Research, donated by Ed, WA6AXX. The (e) duplexers are from WACOM in Waco, Texas.This repeater is not currently on the air.

The EAST SIDE TWO-METER REPEATER is an open repeater located at 550 feet in the east foothills of San Jose. It receives on 147.765 MHz and transmits on 147.165 MHz. The repeater shares the (a) RC-850 Repeater Controller and consists of a (b) transmitter and (c) receiver from Spectrum Communications, and (d) duplexers from WACOM. The TWO-TWENTY and TWO METER REPEATERS and "linked" or hard-wired together.This repeater is not currently on the air.

The EAST SIDE FOUR-FORTY REPEATER is an open repeater located at 550 feet in the east foothills of San Jose. It receives on 445.025 MHz and transmits on 440.025 MHz. The repeater consists of an (a) RC-850 Repeater Controller and a (b) Motorola Micor repeater which has been modified for use with the RC-850. Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System (CTCSS) 100 Hz is required for repeater access. The repeater also encodes 100 Hz CTCSS on the output signal.This repeater is not currently on the air.

The WEST SIDE TWO-TWENTY REPEATER is an open repeater located in the foothills of Saratoga. It receives on 223.08 MHz and transmits on 224.68 MHz. The repeater uses an (a) RC-850 Repeater Controller, (b) transmitter and (c) receiver from Spectrum Communications and (d) duplexers from WACOM. CTCSS of 107.2 is required for access.

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August 30, 1996. Last updated on September 11, 2004.
David W. Schultheis, San Jos�, Silicon Valley, Santa Clara County, California, USA