Welcome to Dave's Home Page
This page is updated frequently. Not many graphics but plenty of links!
Animal Rescue - Around the San Jose area - Amateur Radio - Barney's Page - Boss
Dog Parks - Fuel Rant - Manifesto - Miscellaneous - Motorcycle - Nevada links - Nighthawk
Open Amateur Radio Repeaters - Public Safety frequencies - Simplex Frequencies - Trips - Foreign Youth
Would you be willing to part with your copy of the 1991 "Official Album of Disneyland and Walt Disney World" on CD?
Yes, I would.
[January 2005: I located and purchased a copy, but would like to find another.]
Does your company need a computer guy? Gary Needs A Job
Fry's - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19
August 20, 2000 - Fry's is online at http://www.frys.com/. It's mostly about the Fry's Internet service provider, but you can find the "Fry's Electronics Feedback Form" under "Contact Fry's Electronics."
December 14, 2001 - Fry's sells products online at outpost.com
Please Use Turn Signals!
Are you interested in a career in public safety in the Bay area?
From the South Bay Regional Public Safety Training Consortium.
Stop the Craig Shergold Madness. Help stop these chain letters. Stop the Jessica Mydek Madness.
Watch for PAX-TV to re-run the movie "The Miracle of the Cards," from Wilson/Woods Productions, with the Craig Shergold story, first broadcast on November 10, 2001.
To help you tell which stories are hoaxes:
alt.folklore.urban FAQ - CIAC Internet Hoaxes - Urban Legends and Folklore
Urban Legends Reference Pages at snopes.com - TruthOrFiction.
- One of my roommates is a Labrador Retriever. See his picture, taken March 25, 1997.
- Includes links to various lab pages you might enjoy.
- There are limited places to let your dog "run free" (off-leash); this documents some of them. Included are notes regarding a dog park in San Jose.
- Also included are links to off-leash dog parks in surrounding areas and some that are far away (for comparison), links to other dog-related pages, and instructions for joining the Offleash-Dogs list.
Emergency Telephone Numbers for most Santa Clara County public safety agencies
- Santa Clara County Sheriff - Santa Clara County Fire - County Paramedics County Communications
- San Jose Police and Fire Departments SJPD-SJFD, including information on SJPD's 311 pilot program.
- Other Santa Clara County public safety agencies Other Agencies, including the California Dept of Forestry
and the California Highway Patrol.
May 25, 2004
- Selected radio, television and publication links, plus places to go.
- Be sure to check Around the San Jose area for more local entertainment links.
- For additional information, use your favorite search engine.
Have you shopped at Fry's Electronics lately?
- Selected federal, state, county and local government links.
- When you pick up the telephone to call someone, whether it is a friend, family member or a business acquaintance, it is wise to know what you are going to say. This is particularly true when you pick up the telephone to call your local emergency services: your local or state police, county sheriff, highway patrol, fire department, paramedics or rescue squad. This is an effort to help you know what to say.
- The Swiss girl I met at Universal Studios (CA) in the early 70s.
- High-school friend Terry Koves of San Jose and White Bear Lake, MN.
- Bob Staley of San Jose, Santa Clara, and Reno, NV.
- Former "Little Brother" Danny Purnell (09-30-77) of San Jose. ("white limousine")
- Former "Little Brother" Eddie Martinez of Phoenix, AZ.
- Former neighbor and baseball player Brady Ovson (10-10-73) of San Jose.
- Former neighbor Chuck Allen of San Jose and Santa Clara.
- The Official Disneyland Album (CD) from 1991 - not 1997.
- If you're brave enough to hear the way things really ought to be.
July 25, 2003
- A large selection of interesting and wonderful places to go. Some of the best links are here!
Dave's Miscellaneous Driving Information:
- HONK TO PASS became FLASH TO PASS in California on Jan. 1, 1997. In the following Vehicle Code section, the bold type shows the new text:
- Section 21753. "Except when passing on the right is permitted, the driver of an overtaken vehicle shall give way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle on audible signal or the momentary flash of headlights by the overtaking vehicle, and shall not increase the speed of his vehicle until completely passed by the overtaking vehicle."
- If the traffic signals at an intersection are "dark" because of a power outage, California law requires that you treat the intersection as if it had "STOP" signs all the way around. You aren't supposed to barrel through the intersection, even if it's a major street.
- Section 21800 (d)(1). "The driver of any vehicle approaching an intersection which has official traffic control signals that are inoperative shall stop at the intersection, and may proceed with caution when it is safe to do so."
- California State Hwy 17 runs from Santa Cruz to Interstate 280. In the Los Gatos-Campbell-San Jose area, Highway 17 has interchanges at Los Gatos-Saratoga Road, Lark Avenue, Highway 85, Camden Avenue-San Tomas Expressway and Hamilton Avenue. Highway 17 changes to Interstate 880 at Interstate 280. Therefore, there is no such location as I-880 and Hamilton Avenue. There is no such location as I-880 and Camden Avenue. Please keep this in mind when reporting things to the Highway Patrol or when writing to Mr. Roadshow.
June 14, 2005
- Includes some of the public safety agencies that cover Santa Clara County, CA.
August 2002
- Intended to guide young folks entering the work force.
August 1, 1999
- I have a few items I no longer need. Some are for sale, some are for "give away," particularly to charitable or volunteer organizations. Do you have room in your garage? I don't!
January 11, 1999
- Includes various modes of transportation - rails, wheels and wings.
Dave's Trips Page
- Vacation and other trips by car, by train, by plane, by motorcycle.
March 5, 2003
Dave's vehicles:
- I have owned the following vehicles over the years: white 1964? Chevrolet El Camino, black/yellow 1974 Plymouth Satellite Sebring, brown 1975 Honda CB550, red 1976 Honda CB750, brown 1978 Chevrolet pickup, yellow 1979 Ford Fairmont, silver & blue 1982 Honda CB750, two-tone green 1985 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme, 1985 Mallard motor home (1/2), white 1992 Ford Explorer XLT, red 1992 Honda CB750 Nighthawk, white 1994 Lincoln Town Car Signature Series.
- On January 8, 2000 I purchased a superbly-maintained and well-documented States Blue Pearl 1996 Harley-Davidson FLHR-I Electra Glide Road King motorcycle with Sequential Port (fuel) Injection, from T.L. Mitchell. Will owning a Harley-Davidson ("made in America since 1903") cause life-style changes (smoking, drinking, tattoos)? We'll see. And no, I don't plan to get a sidecar for Barney (although they do make them).

No, as a matter of fact, I have not been to Hawai'i . . . yet. Do you have any suggestions?
August 18, 2003: I have been to: AR AZ CA CO CT FL IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA MD ME MI MN MO MS MT NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH OK OR PA SD TN TX UT VA VT WA WI WV WY (41 states).
I have also been to Europe: Austria, England, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, The Netherlands and Switzerland. But I won't brag because it was so long ago that I can't remember very much of it.
On October 20, 2003 I removed "Family E-mail," "Friends E-mail," and "Friends from Work E-mail" when I received a junk spam message containing numerous e-mail addresses that I recognized, and that had apparently been harvested from my site.
The following message is brought to you by the people at Web-Counter:
The Uniform Resource Locator (address) of this page is - http://www.accesscom.com/~dave6592/
Created on March 30, 1996. This page last updated on June 14, 2005. Each page is dated separately when updated.
You may send e-mail on any topic. I am especially interested in hearing about non-working links. Thanks!
David W. Schultheis, San José, Silicon Valley, Santa Clara County, California, USA, North America, Earth, Milky Way